Saturday, October 21, 2006

3 Sisters, Canmore Alberta

On the way up 3 SistersAlmost up 3 SistersSummer 2004 our trip to Kananaskis Alberta led to our hike of the 3 sisters trail. At the summit, Canmore lies in the valley below you. You are about 1 mile above the city. Some of these photographs are not the greatest due to fact that the day was slightly misty. I would recommend this hike to anyone that enjoys a very difficult day out with a spectacular panoramic view at the summit.
The PeakNear top of 3 Sisters
Looking Down on Canmore


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! photos are cool and that hike must of hurt!
I love hiking but i am not up that yet!
Also photos on the rest of blog are beautiful

8:32 AM  

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