Friday, October 27, 2006

South West Storm.

Another Photograph of a storm coming in from the south west.

From now on I hope to post about once a week. This way you will know when to expect new pictures.

I will also post photos from other people if they are quality photographs of Alberta scenery. You can email these photos to me at I only check this e-mail about once a week so be patient if you do not see your photograph posted on this blog. I am willing to link to your site in that post as well.

I will also take panoramic photos from anywhere else in the world if they are good and I can fit them into my blog.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

3 Sisters, Canmore Alberta

On the way up 3 SistersAlmost up 3 SistersSummer 2004 our trip to Kananaskis Alberta led to our hike of the 3 sisters trail. At the summit, Canmore lies in the valley below you. You are about 1 mile above the city. Some of these photographs are not the greatest due to fact that the day was slightly misty. I would recommend this hike to anyone that enjoys a very difficult day out with a spectacular panoramic view at the summit.
The PeakNear top of 3 Sisters
Looking Down on Canmore


Beautiful Waterfall
Kananskis PhotoThese are some photographs that were taken on my camping trip in Kananaskis Alberta.

Theses photos were taken with a basic 35 mm film camera. I got them put on cd so that I can use them.

I will soon be adding some pictures of my hike up the 3 sisters mountain near Canmore Alberta.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Morning Glory

Morning Glory PhotographyBeautiful sunrise off to the east of our home. This is a picture that my Dad took several summers ago.

Due to my busy schedule that I now have, my posts will become more erratic in terms of timing.

However, feel free to continue to come back frequently so that you do not miss any of the photos that I will post.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Southern Alberta Weather

Photograph of a storm brewing in southern Alberta

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Great Website on Photography Tips

Here is a website by Darwin Wiggett on some basic tips for photography. When I came across this website I thought that it would make a great look for others.

This website gives some great photography tips that are not overwhelming complex for the amateur. Many of these tips I had never known before, but definitely going to try some of them now.

Many of these tips have to do with editing your pictures afterwards. As I have no experience with this I cannot tell you how that most of these things work.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Waterton 2005

Writing on Stone Park, Milk River Alberta

Here are some Photos from Writing on Stone Park near Milk River Alberta. These stone figures, called hoodos, were carved out of the rock by natural forces. Beautiful place to camp. However, this valley is usually hotter than the surrounding area as the sun beats into it.


In no way do I think that I am a professional photographer. However, I have posted these pictures to show what an amatuer can do with a camera by simply carrying their camera with them to snap those photos that will remind you of the great trip that you had.

I only use a digital 'point and shoot' camera. All the phototgraphs have been optimized for the web. Smaller photos for faster viewing. However, this means that they are not of the greatest quality.

I am a hobbyist when it comes to photography. As such, my posts may be periodic and/or unequal. This is due to the many other things that I do to keep myself busy, one of which is my current working towards an undergradute degree.

Greenhouse Flowers

Some Beautiful greenhouse flowers.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The last Waterton 2006 Pictures

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Here are some more pictures of Waterton Park. I have selected these as I go through those that I took. I will probably have one more set yet sometime next week. I have also resized the photos so that they are optimized for web viewing.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Waterton Parks, Alberta Canada

Here are some photos of my trip to Waterton Park. (Summer 2006)

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Site Map

Site Map.

Waterton parks
Additional Waterton Photos
The Last Waterton 2006 Pictures
Greenhouse Flowers
Writing on Stone Park
Waterton 2005
Photography Tip Website
Southern Alberta Weather.
Morning Glory
Kananaskis 2004
3 Sisters, Canmore
South West Storm
Mountain Valley