Photoshop - It is a program
Although I have never used Photoshop before, when I tried the trial version I was amazed with what it could do. As a result I have found some links for others that may want to try to fix up their photographs.
Has anyone else tried other programs out there that are cheaper/work better? Feel free to leave a comment letting me know where they are so that I can check them out.
Photoshop tips.
Site that has information on how to fix photographs up.
Excellent photoshop tips for landscapes.
Photography tips
This site has some quick pointers for improving photographic quality.
Some people say gimp, but I have worked with digital graphics for years and there is nothing better than photoshop. Now as a digital photographer, there may be some additional software you might want to research. This is especially true if you shoot in RAW format. I have artwork and some photo work up there. Check it out and msg me if you have any photoshop questions.
I agree with you about photoshop being the best if you work with graphics, but for the occasional photographer who is considering $100 software and doesn't care about lack of support, gimp (particularly in gimpshop form which makes it more like photoshop) is a viable alternative. If you do anything at all professional related to graphics however, photoshop is a must have.
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